Top 10 random amazing facts —

1-   This news spread that the coronavirus was man-made, but it was being made more true when a Chinese military intelligence officer published his article saying that a new coronavirus was developed in Wuhan, the article says that the CIA wanted to buy it, but then only Chinese agents fire on them and in that ambush only the sample was broken and it spread.
2-   Australia declared that it will support India in terms of all International matters.
3-   Israel declared that in its Defense Lab the anti-dose of Coronavirus is prepared.
4-   The Defense Minister of USA- Michael R. Pompeo went to Israel. 
5-   The Tension at Indo-China border is still rising.
6-   The strategy of China is to divert the attention of its people by showing that it is also fighting against India.
7-   This is the reason why China is also intruding other countries like Indonesia, and even countries like Tibet, Hong Kong.
8-   Mr. Sundar Pichai posted a video saying that no need to worry, because things like this have happened in the past, for example- students graduated just months before 26/11 and many more like this.
9-   At Indo-Pak border also the tension is rising and there are even casualities.
10-Moreover, the estimates are that India will see it’s worst in November.

By- Ashutosh Bhushan


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