A Chinese intelligence officer revealed that a new coronavirus was developed in a lab as a bioweapon.

The article went on to claim that China, unhappy with massive protests erupting in Hong Kong, decided to make a biological agent that could make protesters more docile. This bioweapon, the article claims, proved to be more deadly than intended and resulted in the deaths of many people. China decided that the program was too dangerous (the author of the article writes “we wanted the population of Hong Kong to submit to us; we did not want to exterminate it”) and stopped using the bioweapon. But the United States, according to the article, realized the power of this weapon and wanted it for their own. A deal was set up for the U.S. to acquire the bioweapon, but before the exchange could happen a group of Chinese agents, the author included, rushed in to stop the deal. This resulted in a shootout, the article claims, which led the bioweapon to be accidentally released near Wuhan, China.
If that all sounds like a fantastical bit of fiction fit for a spy novel or a horror movie, that’s because it is. This story was originally published on r/NoSleep, a section of Reddit dedicated to scary fiction stories.
By-Ashutosh Bhushan


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