Dragon’s Triangle
The whole world is aware of the Bermuda Triangle which is in the North Atlantic Ocean touching U.S.A. and Canada. It’s a mystery, because the planes and ships get attracted towards the surface of the sea and elope. However, the cosine triangle of Bermuda is less known to the world. It has been discovered in the Pacific Ocean touching Japan. It has been given the name Dragon’ Triangle or Devil’ sea. Both the triangles result into similar kind of happenings—the ships and airplanes disappear within the unseen area of these triangles. It was first identified when a Japanese ship sailing in the nearby area suddenly disappeared from the radar. It was later found that the ship had sunk and crashed at the seabed. Another helicopter also met the same fate.
A technologically superior country like Japan mobilized its resources to know what was happening there. A team of researchers, divers, and engineers started an ill-fateful mission. During the return journey the ship broke into pieces. Japan paid a high price, but still it wanted to know the science behind the secret of this place. Another team was sent, but this time there were only divers and a few scientists who would just dive and go underwater. The Japanese Government ordered them just to go around the borders of the triangle and come back. The team was given four hours to complete this task. They found strange monuments on the sea bed. Moreover, they experienced time dilation because they took approximately eight hours to come back, but according to them it took only four hours to complete this expedition. When the Japanese scientists started analyzing their study it was found that the gravitational pull of the earth at the triangular space was very high. To their dismay, Bermuda triangle is parallel to the Dragon’s Triangle and they divide the earth into two equal halves. Both are located at the center of the earth.
By – Ashutosh Bhushan


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