E - Learning during corona

E – Learning : A must during time of a pandemic.

Covid –19 was recognized as a pandemic on 30th January, 2020, forcing several nations to look for complete lockdown. Public gathering was prohibited and was taken as a protective measure by the Government of India. Schools were shut down when the new session was about to begin. It compelled the schools to migrate to online mode of teaching. Though, it existed in India, but was not used much. During this pandemic people began to switch over to E – classes and gradually, students all across India began to learn through online mode of teaching. Online classes are a good way to ensure that the courses are finished on time. Through E – classes, students should be made understand the emphasis of health and hygiene.     
But online classes only cannot fulfill this period of negativity. There are few things which help you to stay positive and reflect positivity around you which includes the web series, books, songs, short films and even infotainment. Though there are few precedence and few drawbacks of online teaching. The advantages are that there is no issue of physically going to school and bringing books in a heavy bag, E – learning costs much lower expenses. But there are few demerits also like continuous exposure to blue ray light emitted by digital screens, assuring that the student is studying and even there has to be a regular supply of electricity for domestic use. It is tough to keep children inside their houses bubbling with energy.
The first experience with E – Learning is fun as have not been with such conditions. It is such an experience which will be in the minds of youths when they will move forward in their life. It is a time when all the citizens of not only India, but other countries also to join together to fight this corona virus.  

Ashutosh Bhushan


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